
My stories both current and past.


The Transformation of Shepard 
The Lazarus Project has an unfortunate side-effect on Commander Jane Shepard. Will she save the galaxy, or will she succumb to her own desires?
[Mass Effect] [futa] [yuri] [rape][preg]
H-F or AFF

The Womb

I have several ideas for Mass Effect stories. Depending on how ToS goes, I might round a few of them up into a prequel and/or sequel. We'll see what happens.

I'm in the planning stages on a Fallout 3 story. This won't be a "what if" like ToS is, but rather a what I like to call "extreme cannon". The Fallout world is too censored in my opinion. You can't throw a rock without hitting a cannibal eating human flesh, but the prostitutes don't even cuddle you when you pay them? Boone shoots his wife so the Romans don't make her carry a ridiculously large backpack (Bethesda's version of rape). Someone needs to fix this.

The Graveyard

Weekly Writing Challenges - Discontinued
Writing challenges from the Hentai-Foundry forums. Each chapter is a different prompt from this thread. Each response of mine is about 500 words and can be about any subject. Check the index for the proper tags. H-F 
*This is due to lack of views and interest (both from me and my readers) as well as lack of time. If someone wants more, I may resume the weekly challenges.

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