Monday, January 13, 2014

So Many Things to Do and So Little Time

This is going to me a mind dump sort of post. This will let me get some ideas out in the open for reader feedback, as well as to let you know what I may be working on in the near future.

The Transformation of Shepard:


This story is getting big. Almost too big. I had originally planned it as a "Femshep grows a penis and sleeps with crew mates". Now it's gone on way longer than I thought it would and I have several OC's some implemented (Oriana -sort of, and Amy Williams.) And I'm not even all the way through the game yet. Or the DLC. Yikes!

More Mass Effect?


I have some ideas for some Mass Effect 1 stuff, the biggest of which would involve a Thorian tentacle story. The ideas I don't cut may be combined into a ToS prequel or released as a short story collection.

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 Fanfic. That along with ToS, is a story I've wanted to do for some time. With this one I am going for a more realistic feel to it. It's going to be "real" Fallout, without the constraints of the ESRB or game mechanics. The Capital Wasteland is a terrible place to live: cannibals actually eat people, hookers don't just cudldle up next to you, and sexual assault is an everyday occurance in the apocalyptic world. This story is in the planning stages and rivals (possibly longer) the length of ToS. My Mass Effect story hasn't even gotten to ME3 yet, so I might take a break and switch genres for awhile. Who knows, anything can happen.

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